Digital environments require a sense of community to be reinvented and to find ways to put the body, hands and mind together in motion. This is the double objective of the digital platform Lovingtolearnyoumore (LTLYM): to create and share freely with others and to rediscover the pleasure of gesture and action.

Named after the famous project of Miranda July,, the LTLYM project is a digital platform for very diverse creative instructions, for sharing content and results and for artistic conversations. Through a list of instructions using images, sounds, writing, performance, etc., participants from all disciplines share their results and engage in dialogue. The instructions are designed to encourage both exchange and artistic action, to reconnect around common objects and challenges, and to set the body and mind in motion, alone or in (small) groups, inside or outside.

In parallel, resources and webinars given by thinkers and artists on the two founding questions of the LTLYM project (the questions of community and physicality in the digital age) are regularly proposed.

LTLYM was selected in the framework of the call for projects “Reclaiming the school”, launched in 2020-21 by KASK & Conservatory. The project is supported by the Art Research Fund. It is aimed at the entire KASK&Conservatory/HOGENT en Howest community, as well as other art colleges in Flanders, Belgium and abroad.

Thanks to “Reclaiming the School” (Research Dpt.) ; Pascal Desimpelaere ; Marie Snauwaert, Jean-Pierre Stoop and Kristien Buyse (Photography Dpt.) ; Edwin Carels and Frederik Leroy ; Frauke Velghe (International Relations) ; Bert Lesaffer ; Marieke Rummens, Tamara Goethals and Dries De Wit (accounting and human resources) ; Claire Stragier, Ilse Den Hond and Arthur Haegeman (Communication Dpt.) ; … and last but not least, Miranda July !

Coordination: Jonas Beerts and AF Lesuisse
Graphic Design: Michelle Daniëlse
Coding: Floor Vanden Berghe